Being a Godly Leader
Countless books on leadership fill our shelves. They range from effective team leadership to the development of business strategy. There are books on how to…
Preview This ChapterCountless books on leadership fill our shelves. They range from effective team leadership to the development of business strategy. There are books on how to…
Preview This ChapterI once partnered with a fellow believer in what I thought was an outstanding business venture with tremendous upside potential. The business model included working…
Preview This ChapterHaving someone else selected for a job or position that we desire is a very personal issue. We sincerely believe that we have the skill-set,…
Preview This ChapterI was given a positive performance review because of a year of dedicated work to achieving my employer’s goals and objectives. I was extremely proud…
Preview This ChapterOne of the hardest things for us to do is humble ourselves to the point of listening when people are pointing out our failures or…
Preview This ChapterI once worked for someone who, in my opinion, had no clue what he was doing. I considered him incompetent, aloof, and someone who expected…
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