Workplace Stress

It’s important to address the issue of feeling stressed in the workplace, because more of us deal with it than we care to admit. We may hesitate to discuss it with close Christian brothers and sisters because we don’t want to be seen as weak-minded or of little faith. But, not confronting our stress only results in building resentment that can’t help but impact our personal lives and relationships, especially our relationship with our loving God. This doesn’t have to be the case if we maintain a biblical perspective.

It’s important to address the issue of feeling stressed in the workplace, because more of us deal with it than we care to admit. We may hesitate to discuss it with close Christian brothers and sisters because we don’t want to be seen as weak-minded or of little faith. But, not confronting our stress only results in building resentment that can’t help but impact our personal lives and relationships, especially our relationship with our loving God. This doesn’t have to be the case if we maintain a biblical perspective.

Many things cause us to feel stressed or overwhelmed with our work and they vary by situation and individual. It could be the volume of work, a lack of resources, or perhaps a fear of losing employment. Maybe you’re a people pleaser. You want to do a good job so others will think well of you, but there may be times where you let others down. Maybe you have an unreasonable boss, and you have difficulty meeting his or her expectations. 

Read the whole chapter in Biblical HR.

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Brett excellently organizes biblical truths to the everyday struggles in business, making easy connections for the reader.

Joe Kiedinger
CEO – Prophit Company (Leadership Coaching), Inventor – Dignify, Author – Brander in Chief and The Dignity Based Franchise