Losing a Job

I once partnered with a fellow believer in what I thought was an outstanding business venture with tremendous upside potential. The business model included working with and soliciting top-tier professional athletes. It was an exciting opportunity and I had fully convinced myself that this is where the Lord was leading. Why would the Lord present this tremendous opportunity if He didn’t want me to succeed? I quit my steady-paying job to pursue this venture in another state. Through a variety of events, the business venture did not take off as we expected. Fortunately, my family and I had not yet moved but we had already sold our house. We were left homeless and without income. We decided to remain in our current city where we had connections, to rent a place to live, and to find a new job.

I was devastated and lost. We had young children at the time, and I was the sole financial provider of my family. I questioned the Lord, but it actually was a poor life decision on my part. I realize now that I was blinded by the potential worldly status and success that this opportunity would bring. I didn’t heed or listen to wise counsel that questioned my thought process. I only gave it a passive commitment to prayer because this is what “I wanted to happen.” I had followed my ego and pride rather than prudence and learned some valuable life lessons.

Anyone in the working world could potentially find themselves out of a job for one reason or another. This is a pivotal event in our lives. Our response and reaction to this situation can be extremely spiritually sanctifying and lead to a deeper relationship with Christ or tempt us to discouragement and doubt and a turning away from Him.

Read the whole chapter in Biblical HR.

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Brett excellently organizes biblical truths to the everyday struggles in business, making easy connections for the reader.

Joe Kiedinger
CEO – Prophit Company (Leadership Coaching), Inventor – Dignify, Author – Brander in Chief and The Dignity Based Franchise