Inappropriate Speech at Work

A major cultural challenge in today’s workplace is to live within the world without having it influence the way we live our Christian lives. Many times, I find myself in awkward work conversations that fall into inappropriate jokes or comments. I must admit, avoiding engagement in or reacting to those conversations is difficult. Sometimes the jokes or comments are actually clever and amusing. However, some of the speech is more direct and intentionally hurtful. Cutting sarcasm and crass talk, humorous or not, has no place within the Christian walk.

Our words have impact. They can be used to harm or heal, criticize, or encourage, slander or compliment, attract people to the gospel of Christ or repel people from it. The tongue is to be bridled and controlled. James says,

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless

James 1:26

James makes a powerful correlation. If we are unable or unwilling to control our tongue and speech, our commitment to Christ is worthless! We are to be deliberate with our words, to be slow to speak. A quick tongue, even a quick wit, is to be used cautiously. We are to use our words to encourage and edify to point others to Christ.

Read the whole chapter in Biblical HR.

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Brad Payne
President – College Golf Fellowship, Dallas Theological Seminary Board Member